SMS 10DLC Update

Dear VOXO Client,

We are aware of complications related to SMS functionality due to new laws instated by the FCC and the US congress.

In June 2020, the FCC issued a Declaratory Ruling that addressed “peer-to-peer” text messaging in the context of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

The U.S. carrier ecosystem in which all text messages sent using a software application are now defined as “A2P” (Application to Person) messaging.

Any 10-DLC (phone number) that is sending messages must be registered with the TCR. (The Campaign Registry)

Each brand must create a campaign or multiple campaigns to specify the content and types of messages they will be sending, such as two factor Auth, marketing, client alerts, Etc (Each campaign can hold up to 49 phone numbers)

In order to register your “Brand” (Your business), we will need the following information you can provide this by filling out the form at this link SMS Brand Info.

Let us know if you have any questions concerning this process at

Kind Regards