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Omnia Admin: Do Not Call Lists

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for managing Do Not Call (DNC) lists in Omnia. It covers how to access, add, import, delete, search, and export lists and numbers. Using DNC lists ensures compliance and privacy by preventing users from dialing numbers on the internal DNC list.

Alert: This document applies to the following user roles within Omnia:

  • Account Administrator
  • Partner Administrator

Accessing Do Not Call Lists

1. Navigate to Do Not Call Lists:

  • Go to the Admin Portal and sign in.
  • Click the Phone System tab to expand it, then select Do Not Call Lists.

Adding a New Do Not Call List

2. Add a New Do Not Call List:

  • Click Add New.
  • Enter a name for the list in the Enter name field.
  • Enter a description in the Enter description field.

Adding Numbers to the Do Not Call List

3. Add Numbers:

  • Enter a phone number in the Enter number field.
  • Enter a description in the Enter description field.
  • Click the Delete button to delete an entry before adding it to the list.
  • Click the Add "+" button to add an entry to the list.
  • Continue to add additional phone numbers to the list as needed. Added entries will appear in the list below.

4. Search the List:

  • Enter a number or description in the Search field to find a specific entry.
  • Sort: Click the sort icons next to column headers to arrange items in ascending or descending order.

5. Remove an Entry:

  • If you need to remove a phone number entry from the list after selecting add, clicking Remove (-) will remove an entry before saving.

6. Save the List:

  • Once you have completed adding entries, click Create.
  • Click Yes to confirm and save.

Bulk Adding Numbers to the Do Not Call List

7. Import from CSV:

  • Hover over Import from csv and click Download example csv to get a template to add your phone numbers in bulk to the list.
  • Complete the template, save it, and click Import from csv to upload the spreadsheet.

8. Map CSV Fields:

  • Select Number and Description from the dropdown menus for each corresponding column.
  • All listed fields must be selected to continue.
  • Click Reset to remove the CSV and reupload if needed.
  • Click Add.
  • Added entries will appear in the list below.

9. Remove an Entry:

  • If you need to remove a phone number entry from the list after selecting add, clicking Remove number (-) will remove an entry before saving.

10. Save the Do Not Call List:

  • Once you have completed adding entries, click Create.
  • Click Yes to confirm and save.

Editing a Do Not Call List

11. Edit a List:

  • Click on the do not call list you want to edit or click the Edit button next to it.
  • Make your edits.
  • Click Save.
  • Click Yes to confirm and save your changes.

Deleting a Do Not Call List

12. Delete a List:

  • Click the Delete button next to the Do Not Call List.
  • Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

Search and Sort

13. Search for a Specific List:

  • Search Bar: Quickly find specific items by typing the name or a keyword in the search field. The system will filter the list based on your search input, displaying the relevant results.
  • Sort: Click the sort icons next to column headers to arrange items in ascending or descending order.

Exporting Do Not Call Lists

14. Export Do Not Call Lists:

  • Click the Export button next to the search field.
  • The system will download a list of the items in CSV format.